A PostScript error has been encountered by the printer. -8133 The printer has timed out. -8132 You do not have enough access privileges. -5000 Use the Chooser to select a printer. -4101 The connection to the printer has been broken. -4100 A resource file couldn’t be found. -193 A necessary resource is missing. -192 There isn’t enough memory. -108 Cannot access the AppleTalk network. -98 The file is locked. -61 An external file system error occurred. -58 The file is locked or in use. -54 The volume is not on-line. -53 The file is in use. -49 A file with the same name already exists. -48 The file is busy or in use. -47 The disk is locked. -46 The file is locked. -45 The disk is locked. -44 The file couldn’t be found. -43 Too many files are open. -42 The file ended unexpectedly. Try using a backup copy. -39 The file isn’t open. -38 The file name is bad. -37 An I/O error occurred. -36 No such volume exists. -35 The disk is full. -34 The disk’s file directory is full. -33 Problems occurred while saving the print file. -1